
All I Wanna Do is...Be Myself

All I Wanna Do Is... Be Myself 

The topic this week is being yourself. 


  Be myself. What are the first words that pop up in you're brain when you hear that? Try it. My words are true, kind, me, and 100% real.

Remember to be yourself, even when it might be kind of embarrassing. You're YOU! 

When you're around other people, be who you are, and not what people think you should be.  If they judge you about what you're doing, say "GOD made me this way" or "Child Please!" I sometimes get teased in school about what I wear, because I have my OWN style. Do you really think I care? No! You're You. I'm Me! People point things out on other people because they're not confident in themselves.

It's very important to believe in yourself always, even if it might be hard. When you look in the mirror every morning, say "I may not be perfect in other people's vision, but in God's vision,  

I'm a masterpiece!"

Scroll all the way down to see one of my favorite, positive songs about being yourself!

Quotes CARRI* loves...
"How many cares one loses 
when one decides not to be something 
but to be someone."
-Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel
"Never dull your shine for somebody else."
- Tyra Banks 
I love this quote. Do you know why? Tyra Banks was bullied in school. People called her 5-head and everything. But look where she's at now. She's getting paper! (LOL) 

" Imperfect is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous then absolutely boring." 
- Marilyn Monroe 
"Never bend your head. Always hold it high. 
Look at the world in the right in the eye."
- Helen Keller
-Lady GaGa

Dr.Seuss once said "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." In other words, express yourself, because those who are negative about what you do or what you say are not important. Those who truly care about you, accept you for who you are. They're your true friends!

" Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life."- Steve Jobs

Watch this video! The lyrics mean a lot. 
It talks about being yourself and not anybody else. 
Being an individual!

Well, I hope you learned something INSPIRING!

BRB*  April 24 
All I Wanna Do is...DANCE*
I totally adore your comments 


  1. WOW! Carrie Star, I think you are very talented and will be a great success. Your topic of "being yourself" is awesome and needed for so many to hear!

  2. Carebear for dancing next week you should post a video of you dancing because you and arod are the best dancers I know!!!!

  3. You always yourself at school I really admire that about you!!!

  4. Love it! I loved the topic you choose" being yourself" I really enjoyed reading your favorite quotes and even borrowed a few including yours. Looking forward to see the upcoming ones. Great Job!
    Bye for now, From: Eunice January

  5. Great job Ms Carrie Star! Your future is BRIGHT! Keep up the great positive attitude!


  6. You have always been yourself from day one. Live your life for you. God's got your back.

    Love You Beautiful,

  7. I LOVE YOUR BLOG! :) The quotes are my favorite part. The quotes and your message about "being yourself" are very inspirational. YOU ROCK CARRI!

  8. Wow lol, love the message! It's an inspiring message that mean people should have heard! Can't wait to see more!! - Fun Times ^.^ p.s Cymia
